Frequently Asked Questions

When will my order arrive?
After payment, we wait for 2 confirmations. On average, this takes 20 minutes. Unfortunately, it could take more or less time, depending on current mining activity and luck.
Why do you wait for confirmation blocks?
To avoid double-spend attacks. Because we provide gift cards on-demand, accepting payment without confirmation would make us vulnerable to a "Finney attack".
More than 2 blocks have passed. Where's my gift card?

If you are selling coins that you acquired from a mining pool, your Bitcoin payment to CoinCard probably has many inputs. That makes the transaction larger and slower to process. Next time include a transaction fee as part of your payment to make sure it gets into the next block. This time watch your Bitcoin client for 2 confirmations on your payment, then look for the gift card.

If your Bitcoin client shows 2 confirmations on the payment, wait about 15 minutes for the gift card company to send you card details. If you still don't receive your card, email with the address to which you sent payment and we'll investigate the problem.

How exactly do you calculate the exchange rate?

We calculate the market rate on Mt. Gox for selling the number of Bitcoins needed for your order.

If you're selling 2 BTC, the rate will almost always be the highest bid rate on Mt. Gox. If you're selling 900 BTC, the exchange rate will be lower than that. That's because your sale executes several bid offers in the order book. Each offer has a slightly lower exchange rate than the one before it.

It can be useful to view the Mt. Gox market depth to see current offers.

How do I use Amazon Payments?

Amazon Payments only work for those with a US physical address.

Visit Amazon Payments and log in with your Amazon account credentials. You may have to provide some identifying information the first time you login. Now that your account is configured, you can receive a payment by placing an order.

After your Amazon payment arrives, proceed through Amazon checkout as usual. During checkout, change your payment method to "Amazon Payments balance". Your account balance now pays for your order.

You can also withdraw Amazon Payments balances to your bank account via ACH. Amazon charges no fees for this service.